Xfinity Modem Router Blinking Blue: 7 EASY Methods To Fix It

Sometimes, we get a problem with our gateway denoted by the Xfinity Modem Router blinking blue. 2 months ago, I subscribed to Xfinity’s Gigabit Extra plan and got the official xFi XB8 gateway for a $14/month rental. Two weeks after the initial setup, I got a blue light that was blinking and I was not sure whether it was from omission or commission.

I knew that in many cases, the blinking blue light fades away within a few seconds or a couple of minutes. But what if it persists?

In this article, we will describe the potential causes of your Xfinity gateway blinking blue, the troubleshooting steps, and the different ways to resolve the problem. We will go through the solutions we tried to resolve my issue. We will also explain in detail when the Comcast Xfinity Modem Router blinking blue light occurs.

Xfinity Modem Router blinking blue

Let’s start with the reasons why your Xfinity gateway is blinking blue:

Xfinity Modem Router Blinking Blue

When your Xfinity modem router is blinking blue, it denotes that the modem router is in the Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) mode. It means that the WPS mode is activated and your Xfinity gateway is searching for a WPS-enabled device to connect to. If the Xfinity modem router is flashing multiple colors, the device is attempting to connect to the Xfinity network.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup, commonly known as WPS, is a useful feature that simplifies the process of connecting various Wi-Fi-enabled devices to your Xfinity home network without having to enter a password manually. With the WPS feature, you can easily link a wide range of compatible devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, printers, and more, making the setup process quick and user-friendly.

If the Xfinity modem router is blinking blue but has no internet connection, it could indicate that the splitter is either damaged or not functioning properly. However, in most instances, a blinking blue light on your Comcast Xfinity gateway indicates that the router is in WPS mode.

You might have accidentally pressed the WPS button, causing your device to attempt to connect with other Wi-Fi devices. This process may cause the device to blink for about 2 minutes while trying to link up with another WPS-enabled device. However, the device should automatically turn off the blinking blue light after this period and return to a stable white light status.

If your Xfinity gateway has a blinking blue light, and it wasn’t in WPS mode when the issue began, and you’re unable to stop the blinking, there may be an underlying problem to address. In such situations, consider implementing some of the solutions outlined below to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the blinking blue light problem on your Xfinity router.

What other causes can lead to your Xfinity modem router having a fishing blue light?

The blinking blue light on an Xfinity modem can be attributed to a few additional causes. However, the WPS pairing mode is the most common and most probable cause of the flashing blue light. The other causes can include:

  1. Internet Connection Outage: A blinking blue light can indeed be due to an internet connection outage. When the router is unable to establish a connection with the internet service provider, it may continuously attempt to reconnect, causing the blinking blue light. To fact-check, you can verify the status of your internet connection with your ISP and check if there’s a known outage in your area.
  2. Loose or Disconnected Connections: Loose or disconnected cables or connections can cause intermittent signal loss and result in a blinking blue light. Check all cable connections, including power, coaxial, and Ethernet, to ensure they are securely attached to your router. Fact-check: Loose connections are a common cause of connectivity issues.
  3. Issues with the Splitter: If the splitter is faulty or not functioning correctly, it can disrupt the flow of the signal to the router, leading to connectivity problems. While it’s possible, splitter issues are less common causes of a blinking blue light compared to loose connections or internet outages. Fact-check: Faulty splitters can contribute to connectivity problems.
  4. Router Malfunction: A malfunctioning router can certainly lead to a blinking blue light. If the router’s hardware or software is experiencing issues, it may continuously attempt to establish a connection. Fact-check: Malfunctioning routers can result in connectivity problems.

If you checked and troubleshot the WPS button and it’s not the cause of the flashing blue light on your Xfinity gateway, we recommend conducting a systematic troubleshooting process or contacting Xfinity customer support for assistance.

How to Fix the Blinking Blue Light on Your Comcast Xfinity Modem and Router

As you follow the troubleshooting steps above, it is also important to know how to fix them. Moreover, you need to understand which chronology you need to follow in the troubleshooting steps to ensure you also do not spoil your Comcast Xfinity modem router network connection.

The blinking blue is not the standard, functioning light on your Xfinity gateway. Therefore, if you resolve the cause of the flashing blue light, the blue light should go off.

As discussed, the core cause of a blinking blue light on your Xfinity modem router is when the WPS mode is activated. This is when your router is trying to connect to your WiFi devices without using a password. You may have intentionally or unintentionally pressed the WPS button or the modem router is faulty. Let’s go through how to resolve this issue and the other issues:

1. Press the WPS Button on Your Xfinity Modem Router

The normal Xfinity modem router operating light is the steady white light. If you’re experiencing a flashing blue light on your Xfinity modem router and you suspect it might be due to WPS mode, you can try the following solution:

  • Locate the WPS Button: First, find the WPS button on your Xfinity modem or router. This button is typically labeled as “WPS” and may be located on the front or back of the device.
  • Press the WPS Button: Press the WPS button once. If the blue light was blinking because your Xfinity device was in WPS mode, pressing this button should turn off WPS mode and stop the blue light from flashing.
  • Observe the Blue Light: Keep an eye on the blue light on your modem router. It should ideally stabilize and stop flashing once WPS mode is turned off.
  • If It Doesn’t Work or No WPS Button: If pressing the WPS button doesn’t resolve the issue or if your Xfinity modem or router doesn’t have a WPS button, don’t worry. We are providing alternative solutions to address the blinking blue light.

While pressing the WPS button is the most effective way to stop the blinking blue light if it was caused by WPS mode, it’s essential to explore the following Xfinity blue light fixes if this method doesn’t work or if your device lacks a WPS button.

Don’t worry if it does not work because we have provided additional troubleshooting steps required to identify and resolve the specific issue causing the Xfinity gateway blue light to blink.

2. Power Cycle/ Reboot the Modem Router

If the blue light on your Xfinity gateway continues to blink after pressing the WPS button, you can try power cycling your modem router. To address a persistent blue flashing light on your Xfinity modem router, you can attempt a power cycle or restart as follows:

  • Unplug the Power Cord: Start by unplugging the power cord from your Xfinity modem or router. Ensure it is completely disconnected from the power source. You can also check if your gateway has the power-off button and switch it off.
  • Wait 5-10 Seconds: Allow a brief pause of 5-10 seconds to ensure that the device fully powers down. You can
  • Wait 5-10 Seconds: Allow a brief pause of up to 10 seconds to ensure that the device fully powers down. You can also count to 10 slowly.
  • Plug It Back In: Reconnect the power cord to your Xfinity device. Ensure it is securely plugged in.
  • Power On: You can also turn the device back on by pressing the power button, if available. Alternatively, the device should begin the startup process automatically when plugged back in.
  • Wait for Stabilization: After power cycling your Xfinity modem router, give it a minute or two to complete the startup process. Observe the blue light to see if it remains stable. If the blue light stops blinking, the issue has likely been resolved.
  • If the Blue Light Persists: If the blue light continues to flash, you may need to explore other Xfinity blue light fixes from the troubleshooting guide.

Power cycling your Xfinity modem router can fix connectivity and device config issues. If the blue light stays on, try the following troubleshooting steps to solve the flashing light.

3. Check and resolve any loose connections (Cables and Connections)

To address a persistent blue flashing light on your Xfinity gateway, it’s important to thoroughly check and resolve any potential issues with your cables and connections. Follow these steps:

  • Disconnect All Cables: Begin by unplugging all Ethernet and Coax cables from your Xfinity modem or router. If you have a separate router and modem, disconnect cables from both devices. However, if you have a Comcast-provided router/modem, it’s likely a combo unit (modem and router in one device).
  • Wait a Few Seconds: Allow a brief pause of a few seconds to ensure that any residual power is dissipated. To do that count to 10 slowly.
  • Inspect All Connections: Carefully inspect all the jacks, connectors, and cables to ensure they are in good condition. Look for any signs of damage, fraying, or loose connections.
  • Replace Damaged Wires: If you identify any damaged wires or connectors, they will need to be replaced. Using damaged cables can result in connection issues.
  • Reconnect All Cables: After ensuring that all connections are intact and replacing any damaged cables, reconnect all the Ethernet and Coax cables to their respective ports on the modem or router.
  • Restart the Modem Router: Power on your modem router and allow it a minute or two to complete the startup process. Observe the blue light to check if it remains stable. A steady blue light should indicate a successful connection.

By carefully checking and restoring your cables and connections, you can eliminate potential issues that might be causing the blue light to blink. If the problem persists, you may need to explore the other troubleshooting steps described below or contact Xfinity customer support for assistance.

4. Restart home network devices to resolve the Xfinity gateway Blinking Blue Light

To potentially resolve the Xfinity gateway blinking blue light, you can attempt to restart your home network devices. The other devices with Wi-Fi capabilities may be trying to connect to the Xfinity gateway network without needing the password. This process can help address issues, especially if your devices are in WPS connection mode. Here’s how to do it:

  • Turn Off the Router: Start by turning off your router and disconnecting it from the power source. Make sure it’s completely powered down.
  • Disconnect from Modem (if separate): If your modem is separate from the router, disconnect the router from the modem by removing the Ethernet cable that connects them.
  • Wait for a Few Minutes: Leave both the router and modem in their powered-down state for a few minutes. A duration of 5 to 10 minutes should be sufficient. This gives them time to reset and clear any issues.
  • Reconnect Ethernet Cable and Power: After the waiting period, reconnect the Ethernet cable between the modem and the router, if applicable. Then, reconnect the power source to your router.
  • Turn On the Device: Power on your router. Wait for it to complete the startup process, which may take a minute or two.
  • Check the Blue Light: Observe the blue light on your Xfinity gateway. If the issue was related to WPS mode or any other temporary issue, the blue light should stabilize and stop blinking.

This process effectively resets and refreshes your home network devices, potentially resolving the blue flashing light. If the issue persists, you may need to explore the following additional troubleshooting steps or contact Xfinity customer support for further assistance.

5. Factory Reset the Xfinity Modem Router

If you’ve exhausted all the above troubleshooting options and the blue light on your Xfinity modem router is still blinking, your final step is to perform a factory reset. Here’s how to do it:

  • Backup Customized Settings: Before initiating the factory reset, it’s essential to back up any customized settings you’ve made on your Xfinity device. Write down or take note of these settings so that you can easily reconfigure them after the reset.
  • Press and Hold the Reset Button: Locate the reset button on your Xfinity modem router. It’s typically a small, recessed button. Press and hold this reset button for approximately 10 seconds. Be sure to keep the button pressed for the entire duration. You can also reset it through the mobile app for your router.
  • Wait for the Reset: After releasing the reset button, allow a few minutes for the factory reset process to complete. During this time, the device will reset to its default settings.
  • Check the Blue Light: Observe the blue light on your Xfinity modem router to see if it stops blinking. If the reset is successful, the blue light should stabilize and no longer flash.

Performing a factory reset is a last-resort option, as it erases all customized settings. You can use the reset hole, using the web interface or the mobile xFi app. However, it can often resolve persistent issues. If the blue light continues to blink even after the factory reset, we recommend contacting Xfinity support for further assistance.

6. Contact Comcast Xfinity Support

If you’ve exhausted all available troubleshooting steps and the blue light on your Xfinity modem router continues to blink, it’s crucial to contact Xfinity support for professional assistance. They will help you if you are renting the Xfinity modem router. You will need to tell them what you have tried and that you would like a new unit sent to you. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Contact Customer Service: Reach out to Xfinity customer service via phone or online chat. Explain the steps you’ve already taken to troubleshoot the issue and make it clear that you require further assistance.
  • Request a New Unit (If Applicable): If you are renting the modem router and the issue persists, request a replacement unit from customer service. They can arrange to send you a new device to replace the one experiencing problems.
  • Troubleshooting Assistance: Xfinity support will guide you through additional troubleshooting steps over the phone or chat. They may be able to resolve the issue remotely.
  • Technician Visit: If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, Xfinity support may schedule a technician visit to your residence. The technician can diagnose and fix the problem on-site.
  • Visit an Xfinity Store: If you prefer in-person support, you can visit a nearby Xfinity store. There, Xfinity staff can assist you with troubleshooting and provide further guidance. Contacting Xfinity support is an effective way to ensure that any underlying technical issues causing the blue light to blink are properly diagnosed and resolved.

7. Get a new Modem Router

If, despite following all the 6 troubleshooting steps described above, your Xfinity modem router continues to display a blinking blue light and you’re dissatisfied with the service, you have the option to obtain a new modem router.

You’re not obligated to stick with the Xfinity xFi Gateway if it’s not meeting your needs. However, when selecting a different modem router, it’s crucial to ensure it is compatible with Xfinity services. We did some research in addition to thorough testing and gave you some of the best Xfinity Modem routers from which you can choose one.

Not all modem routers are compatible with Xfinity, and using an incompatible one can lead to various connectivity issues. To avoid complications of which the blinking blue light will seem like ABC you need to get one of the approved modem routers for Xfinity internet.

What Do the Other Xfinity Modem Router Lights Mean?

Understanding the meaning of the lights on an Xfinity gateway is crucial for diagnosing issues. You want to understand the underlying cause instead of always calling customer support. Here’s a quick reference guide:

  • No Light On: Indicates that your device is powered off or unplugged. To resolve this, simply plug it in and turn it on.
  • Steady White Light: A steady white light indicates that your router is powered on and functioning correctly. When this light is on, your devices should be connected and functioning properly.
  • Steady Red Light: A steady red light suggests there’s no internet connection. In this case, it’s necessary to contact Xfinity customer service for assistance in identifying and resolving the issue.
  • Blinking Blue Light: This light signifies that your device is attempting to establish a WPS connection. It should cease blinking once the device successfully connects. If it continues blinking, you should follow the provided troubleshooting steps. According to Xfinity’s manual, the blinking blue light indicates that the router is in the Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) mode.
  • Blinking Green Light: An Xfinity gateway blinking green light indicates there is an issue with the connection, and you should address the problem to restore proper functionality.
  • Other Combinations of Lights: Flashing various colors typically means your device is in the process of connecting to the Xfinity systems. During this period, the lights will cycle through different colors, and the process can take about 15 minutes to complete.


We know that a blinking blue light on your Xfinity modem router can be a frustrating issue, but with the right troubleshooting steps, it’s manageable. The main solution to the blinking blue light on your Comcast Xfinity modem router is deactivating the WPS mode on the gateway.

We’ve explored several other potential causes and solutions, from addressing loose connections and power cycling the device to resetting it to factory defaults.

Remember to check your cables, perform a restart, and contact Xfinity support if the issue persists. In some cases, a replacement modem router may be necessary to ensure a seamless internet connection.